Pressure to do things

April 28th 2024

I don’t need to be super social, I don’t need to go out every weekend, I don’t need to hang with people all the time. Even not a lot. Sometimes is fine. Sometimes I need some me time. Sometimes I need a lot of me time. I have a rich personal life. Being alone helps me digest life. There’s no shame in spending an entire Saturday alone.

I say this because I do feel a pressure to be social. So I do things with people just to do them with people. I’m trying to move away from that, to an attitude where I do things with people because I want to do things with people. I mean, most things are more fun with people. When I don’t want to be with people, I’m either tired of being around people or doing something that I’d rather do alone, or something that other people don’t want to do.

I need to treat my social life the same way I treat my hobbies: positive energy only. It’s for me, in my free time, why would I ever feel pressured to do anything? Doing things because I want to do them is the entire point, why would I ever do anything in my free time for a different reason?