All the more reason why it doesn’t matter where I will live

February 6th 2024

All the more reason why it doesn’t matter where I will live, nor how big or nice my house will be.

How nice: I’m a DIY guy. I’ll be able to make, install, maintain, fix anything around the house. It’s not hard, and it’s enjoyable. Being the master of the things I own. I love it.

How big: I don’t need a big house. A small house, when done right, can be cozy & is enough to live in. Hell, it worked for my family. I only thought the house was too small once I was an adult and living there with my siblings during covid. It’s too small for five adults. It’s not too small for two adults and three children. It was cozy, and we were a family.

Where I live: everywhere is equally boring. It’s not about where we live, it’s about who we live with. Who we live near. I’ll find somewhere that works for me, and it doesn’t need to be somewhere super bougie. Once I get a house I’ll feel so bored by it. A house is a house.

Why it doesn’t matter how much money I’ll make: how much money I make is a reflection of the value I added to society. Very loosely correlated. I like to think that I’ll continue to add value by nature of what I love to do. I love solving problems.