Perfectionism is a lie

February 9th 2024

Once our basic needs are met*, happiness is a choice that’s made in the present moment.

Perfectionism is the voice in our heads telling us that we can’t be happy until life is perfect. Life will never be perfect. Life has never been perfect. Letting go of perfectionism is a prerequisite to choosing happiness. Deciding to pursue perfection (and thus opting out of happiness until perfection is achieved) is to decide not to be happy in the present moment. The former necessarily entails the latter.

When else are we to be happy, besides now?

*Basic needs include adequate food, shelter, health (mental & physical), community, and plenty more. There could be a whole other blog post on how morality & mental health are related. I'm sure a clean conscious is a basic need, but it seems strange stating it outright. This post was meant for those like me who are privileged enough to have all such basic needs met, yet don't quite feel happy most of the time. I acknowledge that privilege.

I'd also argue that part of being mentally healthly involves healing from trauma or negative emotional experiences in one's life, e.g. grief, breakups, being upset about some event, etc. This kind of healing takes time, and I wouldn't expect someone during that time to just, you know, "choose to be happy".