Life by life

April 15th 2024

Theres something refreshing about the passage of time

In with the new, out with the old, shed off our old lives, make them anew

Throw out what we don’t need, forget what we don’t need to remember, life seems small when it’s just a memory

How are we supposed to know what it’s all about, the first few times around

Having lived a few different lives now, each one a bit better guided than the next, feeling light on my feet when I shed the baggage from past lives

I know what has meaning, what has value, what doesn’t, but it took some time to figure that out

And in the meantime, I was confused, consumed, I putzed and stumbled and prodded and tinkered and tried and iterated

Each new life, calmer than the next, growing older means growing wiser, happier, assured, bit by bit, year by year, life by life