Lessons learned

January 4th 2024

Lessons learned:

  1. Research projects are best completed when no pressure on them to succeed
  2. Slow COMT - learn how to de-stress
  3. I will always get a job
  4. It doesn’t really matter how much I make or where I live or how big/nice my house is
  5. Slow COMT - can’t put too much pressure on myself to succeed - that’s how burnout happens
  6. Depression happens when high stress is sustained over a long period of time
  7. I can’t change the culture, I can’t really change the world, I can’t eradicate corruption (it will always exist). I can only do so much. There is so much that I can’t change. Que sera sera.
  8. I can’t change prices. Sometimes they’re just high.
  9. Forget about jobs, about research, about [past employer], about salary, about PhDs, about [potential employer], about etc.
  10. Take your time, go slowly. Do few things but do them well. For the list of goals/dreams, do them one by one.

Long term priorities:

  1. Personal Life (family, friends, gf, life experiences, health & wellbeing, exercise, relaxing, vacations/trips, activities)
  2. Work (being an employee, developing skills, learning, routine, structure, collaboration, socializing)
  3. Personal projects (algorithm, software)