The closer to perfection, the more painful imperfections are.
Just because I enjoy something doesn’t mean I need to replicate it. Just because I enjoy dogs doesn’t mean I need a dog. Just because I enjoy music doesn’t mean I need to write music. Just because I like the beach doesn’t mean I need to live on the beach. Just because I like sports cars doesn’t mean I need one. Just because I like bread doesn’t mean I need to bake my own. Enjoying the thing is enough.
I am who I am. I’ll find someone excited about me, someone who wants me. Who knows who I am and still wants me, flaws and all. Every once in a while I go through a bit of a funk. I know that. It happens. I get tired. That doesn’t mean I can’t be a good partner. That doesn’t mean that someone can’t be excited about me. Can’t want me for me, even after they find that out about me.
Regarding hobbies, things with literally zero pressure to do anything of value, things literally solely for our own enjoyment, these things should never be pursued with negative energy. There shouldn’t ever be a “I should really do XYZ”. “I need to do ABC more.” None of that.