Desire to be famous

June 10th 2024

To be recognized

To have others admire you and your talent

Just more dopamine lies

Just pride, ego

Fantasizing about being interviewed about my journey, about myself

Getting attention

The flip side is the whole making money from passions

Being able to pursue them full time

Maybe its better to not have that now

While I’m still kindling these projects

I like that they’re not in the spotlight

I can do whatever I want with them

Total freedom, even if not total time

Plus, if I were pursuing art full time I’d still want some food for the brain

If I were pursuing science full time I’d still need art

Breaks, cycles, waves, in and out, push and pull

Doesn’t matter how much time

These things live in my head all day

To have them at all is enough

To practice them at all is enough

To have enough mental energy for them is a necessity

Fame is a distraction

Making stuff I’m happy with is everything

To expect nothing from them is bliss

To expect nothing from myself is happiness