Working at companies

June 6th 2024

Turns out the whole me hating working at companies I think is an indicator that I secretly love it.

It’s a way to make some change in the world. That’s great. What I hate is: inefficiencies, bad decisions, bad code, tedious processes, etc. Complicated, hairy problems show up in dynamic environments like companies and they require smart people thinking on their feet to provide clean elegant solutions.

I firmly believe that companies should operate in a “work smarter not harder” manner. The employees should always be able to keep a 9 to 5. If not a 10 to 4 with a 10 to 2 maybe on Fridays.

Regarding job hopping, people making career moves and getting promoted and doing the thing, at least from the sidelines it looks like they’re very good at operating within the system, but a system that (as mentioned above) I’d consider very broken and something I have no patience tolerating.

Courage to be unabashedly myself.