Mental clutter

March 31st 2024

I’ve been trying to reduce the things in my life. There’s a cathartic feeling of letting go of old clutter. Stuff that I tell myself I’ll need, but I don’t, that I hold onto anyways. Reducing the amount of stuff in my life helps me stay light on my feet. Makes it easier to stay organized. Makes it easier to do things. Makes it easier to plan, execute, re-evaluate, improvise.

Getting rid of old clothes. Deleting old files. Getting rid of old devices. Old gadgets, things, whatever. Things I haven’t touched in years. Don’t need them, won’t need them.

There’s one kind of clutter, arguably the most important kind of clutter: mental clutter. For me, it’s mostly in the form of dreams. Desires. Wants. An image of what I want my life to look like.